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Sauber Karting Team - preparation weekend in Zuera
Giovanni Mele
25 July 2020

First ever edition of the Champions of the Future Series, with unlucky result for our drivers in OK. The new series from CIK-FIA has been a great chance to prepare the upcoming CIK-FIA European Championship (coming up next week), still on the Spanish track of Zuera.

Harry Thompson did not have a proper qualifying run on Friday, but the Brit showed a fantastic pace during the heats, recovering a lot of places and gaining P7 on the starting grid for the pre-final! Unfortunately, Harry was forced to retire from the final after a race incident, but the team feels confident for the European Championship!

Tough run also for Oliwier Pylka, who struggled a bit more on the Spanish track of Zuera; the driver from Poland keeps improving and this preparation weekend is now going to be a lot beneficial for him looking at the next race, the European Championsip.

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