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  • For marketing and commercial communication purposes relating to the products, services, commercial initiatives and market research by Sorridi Editore Srl via email
Your subscription
  • The subscription is automatically renewed every year for 49.99 € (including taxes) through the method indicated.
    Next renewal 21 October 2025
  • Cancel whenever you want before 21 October 2025 and you will not be charged any renewal fees.
Step 2 of 3
Set up your payment method
Your subscription
  • Your subscription will be active from 21 October 2024
  • The subscription is automatically renewed every year for 49.99 € (including taxes) through the method indicated.
    Next renewal: 21 October 2025
  • Cancel whenever you want before 21 October 2025 and you will not be charged any renewal fees.

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Step 3 of 3
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  • Your subscription will be active from 21 October 2024
  • The subscription is automatically renewed every year for 49.99 € (including taxes) through the method indicated.
    Next renewal: 21 October 2025
  • Cancel whenever you want before 21 October 2025 and you will not be charged any renewal fees
  • The right to withdraw is excluded pursuant to article 59, paragraph 1, letter o) of the Consumer Code