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Sensational: in 2013 LKE will present the TS1, the first KZ engine made in collaboration with TEC-SAV by Savard
16 December 2012

2013 marks a new year of homologations for kart engines. A sensational news that web ring you before anyone else comes from Lenzo Kart that homologates, under its LKE brand, the new TS1, the first shifter engine by TEC-SAV.

The Sicilian company, which also makes Lenzo Kart and Luxor brand karts, has carried forth the TS1 project in collaboration with the Savard family of team TEC-SAV: dad Patrick and sons Thierry and Eric are well known in the karting scene as experienced tuners, able to win some 6 consecutive KZ1 World Cups from 2007 on. After years spent tuning engines created by others, the Savard family has now  decided to intervene in first person, relying on LKE’s collaboration and professional standards.
The TS1 is a 6-gear shifter kart, with the following features: 124,59 cm³ displacement volume; 54,08 mm maximum boring; 54,40 mm stroke; 5 Schnuerle portings for the cylinder and 3 for the crankcase; and, cylinder siding in chromed aluminum. In short, this is an ambitious project for LKE, which chose to rely on TEC-SAV to relaunch KZ engines with the TS1, after the fantastic sales and results obtained with its R12, the 60cc engine with CSAI homologation (06/MT/14).

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