The answers to amateur kart drivers’ most common questions
Max Bernardi
02 June 2020
Many have experienced a few laps on a rental kart with friends, for some it was a spur of the moment decision like many others while for others, it was the lightning strike which sparked the desire to take to the track over and over. Approaching the world of karting is not easy as there are many categories and different vehicles to choose from. The unknown’s costs and the doubts about the commitment required by the maintenance of the vehicle can be daunting. No confusion or panic can thwart this passion for the sport of karting, especially because the answers are available to these questions. TKART listened to the many questions posed by the fans and selected the six main questions that torment the minds of karting beginners. For example, when starting, is it always best to buy a used kart? Try to answer these questions too and then read to find the answers.
When starting, the best thing is a pre-owned kart, as it can save you money.
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A little tip so as not to get it wrong...
We recommend that before purchasing a kart, you should take a few test laps with rental karts to make sure they are mechanically sound.
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As suggested, before venturing into the purchasing of a kart, it is best to spend a few days on the track. The 4-stroke rental karts are the very first step, but to get a more concrete idea there are several facilities which allow you to rent 2-strokes karts as well. These first experiences will help you understand if karting is really the sport for you. If you are convinced to go ahead with the purchase, it is important to know that, like in all motorsports, karting can be an expensive investment. Spending minimal money upfront could lead to buying a dated and problematic vehicle. However, starting from a used kart is the right move to save some money and begin your adventure. Before buying the kart, the chassis must be thoroughly inspected by a professional mechanic. Check out this link to find out more. The engine and carburetor, the fundamental components for reliability, will have to be serviced in order to avoid spending more time in the pit stop than on the track during the initial track runs. In conclusion, OK for used vehicles, yet watch out for “offers you cannot refuse” as many times saving at all costs in the purchase phase can lead to more problems than benefits and the risk of having to spend even more money on the replacement or spare parts.
Single-speed or shifter karts are the same. I choose according to taste
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A little tip so as not to get it wrong...
Be careful! Are you sure that more power means more fun?
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A driver who just started should not focus on power, but on ease of use. The ideal kart for a beginner is a TaG (touch and go) with an electric starter. This type of engine allows you to learn the right trajectories and refine your driving style. Additionally, in the event of having an incident on or off the track, the electric starter allows you to restart the kart yourself. KZ karts are more difficult to manage as they have increased power and the existence of the gear shifter is an additional aspect to manage the kart while driving. Another aspect which should not be overlooked is the fact that single-speed karts are less expensive. Making an important investment for a passion when you are still at the beginning of this new adventure is a move that is always better to avoid.
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