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TKART magazine True or False | They all have been karting drivers. Do you recognize them?
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They all have been karting drivers. Do you recognize them?

17 May 2020
Some of them are important F1 drivers. Others have been too, while still others are important personalities in the world of motorsports but fulfilling different roles. All of them, however, have had a past as young kart drivers and have always been in love with that sport.

The game, which we have already suggested before is simple. What you need to do is to start right from the karting times photos and try to guess who they are and what those (more or less) smiling faces are up to today.

For some, it has not been too long since the first karting races to the most recent successes, while for others the memories become more distant and the stories to be told are an incredible amount of interesting chronicles which could entertain us for hours. Amongst the most obvious similarities and unexpected changes, all karting enthusiasts can put themselves to the test and see if they can recognize these six well-known individuals from the world of motorsports.

He is like one of the family in Maranello

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A little tip so as not to get it wrong...
He won the first edition of the Andrea Margutti Trophy, a race dedicated to the memory of a great friend of his.

He has won two World Karting Championships

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A little tip so as not to get it wrong...
Today he “lives” on tracks all over the world. Yet not sitting behind the steering wheel
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