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TKART magazine Under Review | LK-Electric. The new electric minikart by LenzoKart
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Max Bernardi
10 February 2019
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The electric engine of the LK-Electric product line has a toothed belt transmission


The electric engine can be mounted on any minikart chassis, since the engine plate and its attachment is the same as a 60 cc 2T

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An ON-OFF key is used for start-ups


The battery gives a range of 45 minutes. Recharging it takes an hour and twenty minutes.


1250 Watts for a 4000 rpm engine, this is the most important data of the electric engine that equips the Minikart chassis

- Updating of the January 2019 article -

The LK-Electric line is a recent development. And yet, for 2019, Lenzokart has already presented improvements concerning its engines: a sign of the constant development and continuous technological research the project is based on.

Michele Lenzo, the owner of LenzoKart, told us straight away: one of the most important challenges for LK Electric line karts is to keep up in terms of development. In fact, the technology of electrical engines is continuously improving, above all if compared to the technology of the more popular 2T.
Thus, 2019 has immediately seen changes for the LK-Electric, starting with the multi-function control panel which allows you to download data to analyse engine performance by simply inserting a USB key in the area at the front of the engine. There is also a led in the front area to indicate the battery charge.

The engine has been equipped with a Bluetooth so it can be connected to a smartphone for downloading data, or for inserting a cell phone on the steering wheel to be used in its dashboard version thanks to a specific application. A remote control will soon be added, which can be used for parents or track operators, allowing remote control of the settings, even when the kart is moving, with 4 different speeds, as well as being able to switch the engine off in case of danger.
In regard to the battery, a visibility led has been inserted with the sole purpose of making the product better aesthetically attractive.
No change in the main features of the LK-Electric engine: zero emissions, low costs, ease of use
The addition of a USB port allows fast downloading of data used to analyse the engine’s performance
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The led indicates the battery charge using different colours: blue means it is fully charged; green, yellow and red indicate the progressive decrease of the battery charge level
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- October 2018 article -
Below are the slides of the article concerning the 2018 LK Electric engine, whose main features have remained unchanged

In particular, simplicity was the driving factor in the development of the electric engine by LenzoKart. An engine that is easy to install on a chassis, small, which does not need to make any modifications to the kart compared to the combustion engines versions. "Being able to create an engine that is easy to use and performs, allowing a range of use comparable to or better than a combustion engine, has resulted in much time passed on the design phase". These are the words of Michele Lenzo, owner of Lenzokart.
A challenge also won with the support of Plastitalia, a company in the Lenzo Group, a leading company in the development of polyethylene fittings for water, gas and industrial fluids, which has exploited all its know-how for the realisation of this project.
The LK-Electric product line currently consists of two karts: the standard version with the Mini chassis and 1250 W engine and the rental product line, which is different in the chassis with the addition of an adjustable seat, roll bar, belts and perimeter protection. The goal of the standard version is to create a low-cost championship, which is already happening in Romania and Spain and is taking hold in other countries, like Argentina.
The Luxor minikart with an electric engine is part of the new LK-Electric product line, designed by the Italian company LenzoKart
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The engine generates 1250 Watt at 4000 rpm and can be mounted on any MINI chassis without making any modifications
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It is possible to vary the power by decreasing the number of rpms, adapting the kart to the needs of inexperienced drivers or small circuits
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The use of electric karts eliminates costs related to engine maintenance, not to mention fuel costs. Taking the Minikart 60 class as a reference, the electric engine is supplied sealed and none of its components can be tampered, thus eliminating the costs of preparing engines and carburetors.
The racing version that we have analysed is based on the Mini Luxor Ramses chassis which, as previously mentioned, does not need any structural modification to accommodate the electric engine, which has a fastening plate to be anchored to the frame by two engine mounting bracket, just like a 60 cc 2T.
The engine power is transmitted to the wheels by means of a belt, protected by a cover designed to ensure maximum safety and to keep the moving parts clean. It was decided to keep the accelerator cable and not replace it with a sensor so as to leave the kart unchanged: this makes it possible to transform a kart with an internal combustion engine in a few simple steps.
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