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Registrations for the first round of the new season's Italian Trophy are already open and will close on Tuesday 23 March
19 March 2021

[translated with Google]

A few days before the second collective test session, the Easykart paddock is ready to take to the track for the inaugural appointment of the season to be held on March 28 at the Adria International Raceway (Località Smergoncino, Cavanella Po, Rovigo).

Registrations can only be made online on the website by Tuesday 23 March and payment by bank transfer.
Cost: € 129.00 for the categories: Easykart 60, Easykart 100, Easykart 125 and BMB Challenge; € 83.30 for the Easykart 60 Academy category.
It will also be possible to take to the track for the usual pre-race test day scheduled for 26 - 27 March and the cost is € 60.00. Below is the link to register:


The Birel ART promoter reminds you that to complete the registration it is mandatory to send all the required documents to the Adria International Raceway secretariat BEFORE THE RACE WEEKEND to avoid unnecessary queues and gatherings during the sporting checks on Saturday 27.

In addition to the delivery of the duly completed covid risk self-declaration that you find on the website, as a precaution and to be able to play the competition in greater safety, we inform you that ACCESS TO THE SYSTEM FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS (drivers, mechanics, team, companions, staff) WILL ONLY BE PERMITTED WITH THE PRESENTATION OF A NEGATIVE, MOLECULAR OR ANTIGENIC COVID TEST (the latter can also be purchased at the pharmacy), CARRIED OUT WITHIN THE 72 HOURS BEFORE ENTRY. For more information, contact the track management.

Below is information about the facilities that carry out the service in the territory of Adria and Rovigo for those arriving without it:

Covid Point Adria - Casa delle Associazioni, in via Dante 13:
From Monday to Friday: From 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm Free access without binding - rapid antigenic pad Priority for: pediatric children under 14, pregnant and disabled people.

Saturdays and holidays: from 11.00 to 13.00 Free access without binding - rapid antigenic pad Priority for: pediatric children under 14, pregnant and disabled people.

Covid Point Hospital of Rovigo The Covid Point of the Hospital of Rovigo (red shelter next to the hospital hall) is active 7 days a week, from 8 to 20, with the following methods and times:
Weekdays: 9.00-19.40 - Free access without medical prescription - quick antigenic swab

Holidays: 8.00 - 19.40 - Free access without medical prescription - quick antigenic swab


Centro Medico Delta - Adria: 0426-303316

Medica Porto Viro: 0426-321070

The Easykart management also reminds us of the obligation to observe the national health safety protocols throughout the plant area and at all times, rules that allow us to continue practicing our sport.

The Delta Crono Rovigo live timing service will be available and can be consulted on the website as well as on http://livetiming.ficr/cronorovigo/

The 60 Academy will officially debut on the Venetian circuit: the new pre-competitive category dedicated to driver between six and eight years of age, in possession of the E license. The young "Academy" drivers will compete on the track, according to the new format strongly desired by ACI SPORT, with a vehicle very similar to the Easykart 60 and under the watchful eye of the heads of the Birel ART Racing racing department. The Red Army professionals not only support the new program, but will monitor the competition and identify the most talented and deserving drivers to continue their path in the world of karting. Furthermore, the 60 Easy, the 100, the 125 and the BMB Challenge will be present on the track.

Other confirmed categories: Rotax.

The petrol station for the race is "LORO" located in Via Fenilone 11, Rosolina, and the type of fuel is 98 Ottani.

The tire sales and assistance service is available as early as Friday afternoon.

For personal problems, the historical photographer Daniele Ghinassi will not be present, to whom the whole Easykart world extends its best wishes and a quick return to the track. In any case, the photo service will be guaranteed with the presence of a substitute.

The classic Easykart media coverage is confirmed: in addition to the return of Easybook, that is the magazine dedicated to the Easy world, social communication is confirmed through the creation of video content and photos with interviews, insights on drivers and teams, lighter moments of entertainment, news live with results, photos, videos and interviews on the occasion of the most salient phases. At the end of each final there will be the traditional interview with the winner, as well as the possibility to update the profile photo during the weekend. Finally, Federico Filippi, alias Federico SpeakEasy, has been confirmed as the official voice of the championship.

Here we are, we are almost there! And finally we will be able to get back on track to be able to compete and have fun again all together, while maintaining safety distances and due precautions, rules dictated not only by official laws but by the common sense of all of us in order to continue to practice our sport in total safety.

Stay racing, stay happy… and think Easy!

Press Release © Easykart

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