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Satisfaction for all participants of the Kart Summer Camp of the ACI Sport Federal School
19 July 2024

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The 11th edition of the Kart Summer Camp concluded in Sarno for the three-day learning program for 30 students divided into three groups by age. The final comment by Raffaele Giammaria.

It was a “special effects” event that took place at the Circuito Internazionale Napoli of Sarno for the 11th edition of the Kart Summer Camp, enriched by the increasing performances of children aged 6 to 12 selected by the ACI Sport “Michele Alboreto” Federal School for the theoretical and practical karting course held in the three-day program on the Campania track.  

In the federal course, which has the primary purpose of teaching the fundamental basics to children who want to approach motorsport, this 11th edition also ended with a great success in participation and a lot of enthusiasm, with 30 children coming from all over Italy who were able to acquire greater familiarity in the practice of karting and improve their knowledge at a sporting and technical level, with tangible progress for all students, from the youngest to the oldest.

The organization of all the phases of the course was also excellent, with the division into three groups by age, followed by the federal instructors Benedetto Filippelli for the Baby category from 6 to 8 years, Federico Pezzolla for the Mini from 8 to 10 years and Antonio Dettori for the Senior from 10 to 12 years, coordinated by Gabriele Lancieri for the preparation of the exercises, Stefano Tredicine for the coordination of the technical staff, and by the former karter and now racing driver Riccardo Ianniello. The contribution offered by the Research and Training sector was also very important, with Dr. Glenda Cappello, Pedagogist, and Prof. Lucio Tonello, expert in Neuroscience, for their support aimed not only at the children but also at all the parents present at the course.

Among the partnerships of the Kart Summer Camp, Cetilar was the usual official medical partner. The excellent technical package once again included OTK Kart Group, which provided two types of vehicles, one for the Baby category, the other for the Mini and Senior categories, all with Tony Kart chassis and Vortex engines. Sparco took care of the creation of complete and personalized clothing kits for each participant, while the supply of tires was guaranteed for the first time by MG Tires.

In the three days from Monday to Wednesday the boys had the opportunity to experiment or deepen their knowledge of karting, between theory and practice lessons, until completing the program with various race simulations on the last day with a lot of activity on the track also at a good competitive level. In closing, the delivery of certificates concluded the three days of Sarno among the applause of sincere satisfaction from all the participants.

This is the comment of Raffaele Giammaria , Director of the Federal School and President of the ACI Sport Karting Commission: "It was an edition in which we confirmed a huge number of members, 30 children from all over Italy, who despite the weather that really put us to the test due to the great heat, did not hold back. A special thanks goes to all the parents who believed in the programs of ACI Sport and the Federal School, to the kids who had so much fun and also improved a lot. I would like to thank OTK in particular, I also thank MG Tyres for the tires, and Sparco for providing us with all the material. A thank you to the Sorrentino family and therefore to the Circuito Internazionale Napoli that has provided us, as usual, with a location that lends itself very well to this type of activity. The result is certainly positive because I believe that we have brought very young children who are preparing to do pre-competitive racing closer to the world of karting. Since last year, thanks to this partnership with OTK, we have had the opportunity to deploy karts for the three categories, which are Pre-competitive, Under 10 and Over 10, in such a way as to provide an offer from 6 to 12 years. It is a very important commitment because this is an activity in which the Italian Federation and therefore ACI Sport believe a lot and entrust the Federal School with the task of carrying out this learning activity, of introducing the very young drivers to this beautiful world of karting. It has certainly been a positive experience, we take home a lot of information and also the knowledge of new kids to take into consideration for the role that the Federal School has in monitoring.”

The participants of the 11th Kart Summer Camp:
Baby Group
Nr. 1 Bartyan Mathias Riccardo; 2 Campana Matteo; 3 De Palo Jacopo; 4 Falanga Mattia Luigi; 5 Greca Francesco; 6 Lebran Gianmarco; 7 Mastronardi Jacopo; 8 Tanozzi Thomas; 9 Tonielli Lucia; 10 Yanik Lena.

Mini Group
Nr. 11 Basso Cristian; 12 Berenato Giuseppe Antonino; 13 Butori Alessio; 14 Cerri Pietro; 15 Dal Pozzo Samuel; 16 Ferrari Daniele; 17 Grosso Valentino; 18 Masella Lorenzo Francesco; 19 Shahini Oliver; 20 Tucci Gabriele; 21 Uttini Giacomo.

Senior Group
Nr. 22 Amato Nicolo' Andrea; 23 Ardia Matteo; 24 Chiovitti Nicolo'; 25 Galfano Mattia; 26 Lunetta Andrea; 27 Maguolo Riccardo; 28 Mansueto Antonino; 29 Monti Vittorio; 30 Nava Ludovico.


 Press Release © ACI Sport 

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