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The dates and locations of the ACI Karting 2020 Italian Championships
Giovanni Mele
09 November 2019

[translated with Google Translate]

There are 10 appointments for ACI Karting for 2020. In five events the KZ2, 60 Mini National and International, Iame X30 Junior and Senior will race. In three events, the Rok Junior and Senior. In the single test the titles will be played, the categories OK and OK-Junior, as well as the new Italian Club Championship and the National KZ which is presented again in Junior, Senior and Over. The only events in the Italian Cup, the National Trophy and the Italian Championship for Regional Teams will also be held in a single trial, which is back on track for the third consecutive year.

5 AprileTriscinaCampionato Italiano60 Mini – KZ2 – Iame X30
10 MaggioLa ConcaCampionato Italiano60 Mini – KZ2 – OK* - OK-Junior*
14 GiugnoAdriaCampionato Italiano60 Mini – KZ2 – Iame X30 - ROK
5 LuglioSarnoCampionato Italiano60 Mini – KZ2 – Iame X30
19 LuglioCastellettoCampionato Italiano60 Mini – KZ2 – Iame X30 - ROK
30 AgostoVal VibrataCampionato ItalianoCampionato italiano Club*
6 SettembreSienaCampionato ItalianoKZ Nazionale* – Iame X30 - ROK
27 SettembreBattipagliaCoppa Italia60 Mini – KZ2 – KZ Nazionale
11 OttobreUgentoCampionato ItalianoCampionato Italiano per Squadre Regionali
15 NovembreViterboTrofeo Nazionale60 Mini – KZ2 – KZ Nazionale
For the IAME and ROK branded trophies, the titles are: X30 Junior and Senior and ROK Junior and Senior
*Asterisk contests are held in a single trial

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