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WSK Euro Series rd 1, Franciacorta: OK final – Tomass Stolcermanis is unbeatable
Luca Basso
03 September 2023

[Translated with Google]

Tyres: MG Tires

  • He had shown an excellent pace during the qualifying heats, but it was on Sunday that all the talent of Tomass Stolcermanis (Energy Corse – Energy Corse – TM) emerged. The Latvian, who started fifth, took advantage of the brawl at the first corners to immediately jump into the lead and keep first place firmly in his hands.

  • Only  Kirill Kutskov (DPK Racing – KR – IAME) presses Stolcermanis and, in the closing laps, also tries to overtake. The Energy Corse driver manages to defend himself and thus conquers the victory. Curiously, he had won the last time right here in Franciacorta over a year ago, on the occasion of the Champions of the Future Euro Series.

  • First podium, however, for Kutskov in the Senior category, although at the end of the final he feels some regrets for the missed victory. Satisfied Gabriel Gomez (CRG Racing Team – CRG – IAME), with third place, after battling with Enzo Tarnvanichkul (Prema Racing – KR – IAME) and Alex Powell (Prema Racing – KR – IAME), respectively fourth and fifth.

  • Solid comeback by Sebastiano Pavan (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex), from 13th to seventh, while the European champion René Lammers (Parolin Motorsport – Parolin – TM) slips from second to seventh after annoying Stolcermanis in the first turns.

  • Nathan Tye (Sodikart – Sodikart – TM) did well, eighth, as did Louis Iglesias (CRG Racing Team – CRG – IAME), from 23rd to ninth. The tenth position goes to Fionn MacMaughlin (VDK Racing – KR – IAME).

  • The undisputed protagonist of Friday and Saturday, Kean Nakamura Berta (Prema Racing – KR – IAME) encounters the first difficulties in prefinal A, he closes in tenth position, and also in the final he suffers the "arrogance" of his opponents. The Japanese finishes outside the Top 10, more precisely 11th.

  • The classification continues with Nacho Tunon (DPK Racing – KR – IAME), 12th, Miguel Costa (Parolin Motorsport – Parolin – TM), 13th, Ean Eyckmans (Leclerc by Lennox Racing – Birel Art – TM), 14th, Anatoly Khavalkin (Parolin Motorsport – Parolin – IAME), 15th, and Dmitry Matveev (KR Motorsport – KR – IAME), 16th.

  • Back Joseph Turney (KR Motorsport – KR – IAME), 24th. World champion Matheus Morgatto (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM) retired on the last lap.


©Photo: Sportinphoto

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