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WSK Super Master Series rd 2, Cremona: heats – The leaders are Bertuca (KZ2), Eyckmans (OK), Sala (OKJ, provisional), Lovatt (OKN-J), Blandino (MINI Gr.3) and Moscardi (MINI Gr.3 U10)
Luca Basso
10 February 2024

[Translated with Google]

Track activity continues for Round 2 of the WSK Super Master Series at the Cremona Karting in Cremona (Italy). After the first day on Friday, in which the qualifications and the first preliminary heats took place, on Saturday all the remaining heats were held for five of the six categories present in the race (KZ2, OK, OKN-J, MINI Gr .3 and MINI Gr.3 U10), whose starting grids for Sunday's prefinals have therefore been decided. Instead, OKJ will contest three heats on Sunday morning.

KZ2: everything perfect for Cristian Bertuca

Tires: Vega

  • Masterful performance by Cristian Bertuca (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart) in the qualifying heats. The Italian, author of the pole position in yesterday's qualifying, took three victories with authority and also set a fast lap. The current championship leader secures first place in the intermediate classification.
  • Daniel Vasile (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart) gets a victory in the last heat and keeps the second position, even if he does not seem to show the same speed as Bertuca. Emilien Denner (Sodikart – Sodikart – TM Kart) also scored a success (as well as two fast laps) and went from eighth to third.
  • Pure Jean Luyet (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart) wins a heat and gains fourth place, while Giuseppe Palomba (Sodikart – Sodikart – TM Kart) remains stuck in fifth. Pedro Hiltbrand (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart) climbed to sixth position, thanks to a tenth place in the first heat due to the front nose in an incorrect position.
  • Marijn Kremers (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex) showed off himself considerably in the wet, going from 24th to seventh and with a second place as his best result in the qualifying heats. Furthermore, the Dutchman recorded a fastest lap in the last race of the day on Saturday.
  • Artem Severiukhin (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart) is eighth, followed by Markus Kajak (Maranello SRP Factory Team – Maranello – TM Kart), ninth, and Matteo Viganò (CL Racing Team – Birel Art – TM Kart), tenth.
  • 11th place for Samuel Luyet (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart), preceding Kasper Schormans (CPB Sport – Sodikart – TM Kart), 12th.
  • Tom Leuillet (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex) and Francesco Celenta (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex) both moved up the rankings by 15 positions and are 13th and 17th respectively. Maksim Orlov (Modena Kart – Parolin – TM Kart) currently occupies 15th place.


OK: splendid performance by Ean Eyckmans

Tires: LeCont

  • It's not easy to avoid any type of mistake on a completely wet track, especially if you don't start from the front row. Instead, Ean Eyckmans (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart) demonstrated all his skill in managing this situation and recorded a victory, two second places and two fastest laps on his schedule. The Belgian, from 13th, is now the new leader of the intermediate classification.
  • With two victories in the first two heats, it seemed to be Gabriel Gomez (CRG Racing Team – CRG – TM Kart) who would take the reins of the ranking, but in the last qualifying heat he finished seventh and, consequently, remained second, behind Eyckmans.
  • 12 positions higher in the standings for Noah Wolfe (VAR by Birel – Birel Art – TM Kart), author of a victory and two fastest laps; the Belgian occupies third place. Oleksandr Bondarev (Prema Racing – KR – IAME) scores two fastest laps and is currently fourth in the standings.
  • Fifth place for a skilled Dante Vinci (KR Motorsport – KR – IAME). Three Top 3 results for Kai Rillaerts (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex), good at climbing from 18th to sixth. Gerasim Skulanov (DPK Racing – KR – IAME) is seventh.
  • Freddie Lloyd (Ricky Flynn Motorsport – LN – TM Kart) stands out with a climb of 20 positions, which allows him to grab eighth place. Kian Fardin (KR Motorsport – KR – IAME) is ninth.
  • Fionn McLaughlin (VDK Racing – KR – IAME) collected a retirement in the first heat on Friday and, irremediably, lost first place in the standings at the end of the day on Saturday. Nonetheless, the Irishman boasts a victory and a second place and is tenth.
  • +8 positions for Zac Drummond (Parolin Motorsport – Parolin – TM Kart), 11th, ahead of David Walther (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex), 12th, and Elliot Kaczynski (Ward Racing – Tony Kart – TM Kart ), 13th, and Salim Hanna (Prema Racing – KR – IAME), 14th.
  • Anatoly Khavalkin (Parolin Motorsport – Parolin – TM Kart) relegates to 16th place due to a retirement in heat B-D. Stepan Antonov (Energy Corse – Energy Corse – TM Kart) does not finish two heats and drops to 40th. Two DNFs also for Oscar Repetto (DPK Racing – KR – IAME), who dropped from sixth to 43rd. Sebastiano Pavan (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex) remains at the back, 42nd.


OKJ: Filippo Sala temporarily leads the group

Tires: Vega

  • Even after the qualifying heats, Filippo Sala (Ricky Flynn Motorsport – LN – TM Kart) is the leader of the Junior category. The Italian achieved three victories in the first three races, after which in the fourth heat he "limited himself" to finishing second. The Ricky Flynn Motorsport driver is currently the only one in the standings with less than 10 penalty points.
  • The big surprise in the ranking is represented by Kit Belofsky (Sodikart – Sodikart – TM Kart): the Briton finishes ninth in the first heat, after which he scores three consecutive successes, also surrounded by a fast lap. The momentary second position was more than deserved.
  • No first place for Dries Van Langendonck (Forza Racing – Exprit – TM Kart), nevertheless he occupies third place overall. Thanks also to a peremptory victory in heat B-C, Lev Krutogolov (Borsch Racing – Tony Kart – IAME) climbs to fourth position. Rocco Coronel (VictoryLane Karting – KR – IAME) also wins a heat and climbs from 11th to fifth.
  • Niklas Schaufler (DPK Racing – KR – IAME) archives the disappointing performance in qualifying with four Top 3s, despite a position well behind on the grid. The Austrian climbs the rankings by 30 positions and is now sixth.
  • Joel Pohjola (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex), seventh, precedes teammate Scott Kin Lindblom (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex), who went from 21st to eighth. We also find Arjen Kräling (KR Motorsport – KR – IAME) in the Top 10, dropping to ninth place, and Iacopo Martinese (KR Motorsport – KR – IAME), tenth.
  • Two victories for Christian Costoya (Parolin Motorsport – Parolin – TM Kart) in the qualifying heats, but the Spaniard retires in the last heat on Saturday. The Parolin Motorsport driver is 11th, but still has the chance to make up for it in the final race tomorrow.
  • Scott Marsch (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex) gains 12 positions and is 12th, while behind him Dean Hoogendoorn (AKM Motorsport – KR – IAME) with a good comeback of 32 positions.

Provisional results

OKN-J: Archie Lovatt flies in the wet

Tires: Vega

  • Two victories and a third place are the haul of Archie Lovatt (Forza Racing – Exprit – TM Kart), the most effective driver in the category during the qualifying heats. In fact, the British rider recovers 8 positions and reaches the top of the intermediate ranking.
  • Alex Molota (Firefly Racing Team – Gillard – TM Kart) also performed well in the rain: third in Heat 1, second in Heat 2 and first (with a fast lap) in Heat 3. The Slovakian therefore moved from third to second position.
  • After the pole position in qualifying, Valerio Viapiana (Team Driver Racing Kart – KR – IAME) always finishes in the Top 3, but at the same time does not achieve a success. The Italian climbs to third place and has behind him Bogdan Cosma Cristofor (Forza Racing – Exprit – TM Kart), fourth, Drew Walz (Forza Racing – Exprit – TM Kart), fifth, and Ludovico Mazzola (Stefano Mazzola – Exprit – Vortex), sixth.
  • Sara Matsui (KR Motorsport – KR – IAME) is the best climber in the qualifying heats – from 25th to seventh – and thus makes up for the lackluster performance in qualifying. Just behind the Japanese are Giacomo Giusti (Modena Kart – Parolin – TM Kart), from 16th to seventh, Andrea Manni (Forza Racing – Exprit – TM Kart), from second to ninth due to a retirement in Heat 1, and Gioele Carrer (Scarpi Racing – Parolin – IAME), stable in tenth place.
  • Kacper Rajpold (MG Racing Team – Tony Kart – TM Kart) also collected a DNF in Heat 1 and slipped from fifth to 11th. Pietro Bagutti (Gamoto – Tony Kart – TM Kart) does not finish Heat 3: a result that sees him fall from fourth to 16th.


MINI Gr.3: Cristian Blandino does not give up the leadership

Tires: Vega

  • At ease even in precarious conditions, Cristian Blandino (Kalì Kart Racing – TGroup – TM Kart) maintains his role as leader of the standings at the end of the qualifying heats. The Italian collects two victories, a second place and a fastest lap.
  • The only one to beat Blandino is Bruno Priam (Parolin Motorsport – Parolin – TM Kart) in Heat 2. The Belgian also scores a second place and a third in the other two races and moves into second position. Two Top 3s also for Daniel Miron Lorente (Team Driver Racing Kart – KR – IAME), now third in the standings.
  • Antoni Ociepa (Novalux – Lenzokart – LKE) occupies fourth place, ahead of Gioele Girardello (Parolin Motorsport – Parolin – TM Kart), fifth, and Oleksandr Legenkyi (Team Driver Racing Kart – KR – IAME), sixth. Leonardo Gorski (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex) did well, from 12th to fifth.
  • Antoine Venant (Kidix – KR – IAME) maintains eighth place, while William Calleja (Babyrace Driver Academy – Parolin – IAME) climbs from 21st to ninth. Tenth place for Vsevolod Osadchyi Suslovskyi (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart).
  • A 31st place in Heat 2, in addition to the results of the other two races, caused Daniil Kutskov (Team Driver Racing Kart – KR – IAME) to slip from seventh to 20th.
  • In Manche 3, River Nilsson (Fusion Motorsport – KR – IAME) overturned at the last corner and his helmet broke: the Swede was fine, but was transported by helicopter to hospital in Brescia for checks.


MINI Gr.3 U10: David Moscardi is firmly in command

Tires: Vega

  • There doesn't seem to be anyone capable of stopping David Moscardi (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart). After the good pole position in qualifying, the Italian achieved three victories and signed two fast laps in the three scheduled qualifying heats, confirming himself at the top of the intermediate rankings.
  • Instead, Niccolò Perico (Energy Corse – Energy Corse – TM Kart) – champion of the WSK Champions Cup – shows off with two victories, a second place and a fastest lap: a loot that allows him to go from 12th place to second, behind the leader Moscardi.
  • Alexander Parakram Lazarus (Team Driver Racing Kart – KR – IAME) gains 4 positions and climbs to third place, while Jason Kosmopoulos (CRG Racing Team – TGroup – TM Kart) drops from second to fourth. Achille Rea (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex) achieved two results in the Top 3: from 15th, the Italian is now fifth.
  • Tiberius Müller (Tony Kart Racing Team – Tony Kart – Vortex) is sixth, followed in the standings by Leon Chelidze (Team Driver Racing Kart – KR – IAME), seventh, Senn Lindeman (Birel Art Racing – Birel Art – TM Kart), eighth , and Rocco Simone (Fusion Motorsport – KR – IAME), ninth.
  • Carl Nellegard (Ward Racing – Tony Kart – TM Kart), winner of Round 1, enters the Top 10, tenth, while Luca Palacio (KR Motorsport – KR – IAME) is 11th.
  • Both with a retirement on their schedule, Edoardo Colucci (CMT – Parolin – IAME) and Gabriele Iacomelli (DR – DR – TM Kart) drop several positions, respectively from fourth to 31st and from 6th to 46th. Werner Guth (Fusion Motorsport – KR – IAME) also fell back, from eighth to 35th.


©Photo: Sportinphoto

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