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BRP-Rotax its kart distributors of the year 2019
Giovanni Mele
01 April 2020

BRP-Rotax yearly recognizes the efforts of its karting dis-tributors to demonstrate sales achievements linked with operational excellence that lead to strengthen BRP-Rotax’s sales and marketing efforts in respective areas around the world. In times like this when our world changes in increasing pace it is even more important to acknowledge the outstanding work of its partners.

BRP-Rotax therefore proudly announced the top three members of the BRP-Rotax 2019 Karting Distributor of the Year Award:

1st place: JAG Engineering, UK

2nd place: SODIKART S.A., France

3rd place: International Karting Distributors (IKD), Australia

“Congratulations to JAG, Sodikart and IKD, which all are long-time business partners of BRP-Rotax! It is well deserved as they have optimally fulfilled our standardized parameters which we have defined to choose the winners. We want to acknowledge the professional work and professional practices imple-mented in their business and race organization throughout the past year,” said Peter Oelsinger, General Manager BRP-Rotax / Member of the Management Board, Vice President Sales, Marketing RPS-Business & Communications. “We would like to thank all our distributors for their commitment and work in the past. Let’s all stand together in this challenging year and stay strong and healthy,” he continued considering the COVID-19 situation.

The company would like to announce the winners as it is an appreciation for the focus and determination all distributors put into the business throughout the year to achieve the goals. The best appreciation of their work however is the positive feedback of satisfied customers. During the past years Rotax kart distributors have accumulated extensive experience in successfully supporting and promoting the Rotax kart business with outstanding marketing activities in their local markets and beyond. Strong partners enable the company to further improve the business and with 43 authorized distributors and a network of more than 600 service centers and dealers BRP-Rotax supports its customers worldwide. For more information about the Rotax Karting, please visit our website.

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