We asked the official CRG driver what a day at the track is like when you have to carry out tests. A lot of tips and one certainty: the carburation is crucial.
1. The first two rounds
“The first round, and the second one as well, are for breaking in the engine, chassis and ... ourselves.
Whatever the reason you are on a track for, it is crucial initially to take the first reference points, even more so if it is a track you don’t know. But the rule also applies to known tracks.
Also because the track conditions change constantly and significantly. Each circuit has key points that can make a difference: we will take great care when working on them.
2. Set-up
"In any case, the starting point is always a standard set-up, it’s where the work starts.
At least, that’s how I work. It is useless to use past set-up s that worked when the track conditions were perhaps completely different; in fact, this risks losing your way on the wrong set-up.
Moreover, modern chassis, including CRG ones, already work very well with the standard set-up, so only small changes are generally made. So it’s better to start with the standard set-up and, round after round, achieve an ideal set-up , also considering track condition changes".
3. Carburation
"Carburation is obviously the key to a high performance and reliable engine.
If the ideal set-up is achieved round after round, the right fuel mixture is achieved in… (keep reading on the "CHAMPION ADVICE" TKART Magazine channel)
4. Wrong carburation or tied chassis
5. Practice runs: KF and KZ carburation