[translated with Google Translate]
We inform you that for participation in the Easytraining 2020 program, new requirements are foreseen: all children from 6 to 9 years old must, in fact, possess the F license to be able to take to the track during the Easykart race weekends. A decision made in favor of baby drivers and the Easytraining spirit as this license is already necessary in order to compete in the higher categories.
The Birel ART promoter, in agreement with the instructor of the federal school ACISPORT and the 7 Laghi Kart track (federal center ACISPORT) will organize a series of days in which the course necessary for obtaining this license can be carried out.
The possible dates are Saturday 25 January or 1 February (times shown in the photo) at the 7 Laghi Kart Circuit in Castelletto di Branduzzo and registration can be made exclusively from the website www.scuolakart.it (CTFK / Booking).
Choose the desired date and enter your credentials, and once you have received the link and password via e-mail, enter the site, download the PDF with the forms for the F license and send all the documents (see photo) in a single PDF [email protected].
(For more information contact Sabino de Castro at 3388150193).
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the means that will be used for the EasyTraining 2020 events must comply with the news of the 2020 technical regulation as reported in press release number 3 of 16/12/2019.
Licence F registration form