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The rankings of the Italian ACI Karting Championship after 4 rounds
15 August 2024

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Here are the classification leaders after the last race in Sarno: Bertuca (KZ2), Rossi (OKN), Blandino (OKNJ), Perico (MINI Gr. U10), Frasnelli (MINI Gr.3). In the meantime, the KZ2 Under 18 titles for Bertuca and KZ2 Master for Forè have already been decided.

The first four rounds of the Italian ACI Karting Championship have not yet elected the champions of the KZ2, OK-N, OK-N Junior and MINI categories, thanks also to the scoring system introduced by the Karting Commission last year, which provides for a score to increase race by race and two mandatory discards, thus leaving the task of assigning all the category titles to the last round of the 2024 Tricolore, scheduled for 22 September in Lonato. 130 points will be up for grabs in Lonato for the first classified, 80 points for race 1 and 50 points for race 2, and then decreasing for the other positions.

The only certainties: the KZ2 Under 18 titles to Bertuca and the KZ2 Master to Forè.
Of the total category titles still to be awarded, the KZ2 Under 18 is an exception, with the title already in the hands of Cristian Bertuca with the LG Motorsport team on BirelART, with an advantage that is now unbridgeable, and the KZ2 Master is also decided with Davide Forè, with the GSR Team team, also these on BirelART, both drivers powered by TM Kart by Viti Racing.

KZ2 - The leader is Bertuca, but Paparo is also racing for the title. 
In the KZ2 overall standings, the championship leader since the first race in Triscina has been confirmed as the Milanese, not yet 18, Cristian Domenico Bertuca (#102 LG Motorsport/BirelART-TM Kart-Vega), already winner of the Under 18 and with a lead of 115 points in the overall standings, but here the arithmetic still doesn't prove him right. Remembering what happened last year, when Bertuca lost the title with a 96-point lead in the last race in Franciacorta, he will have to wait for the Lonato race before starting the celebrations. Opposing Bertuca is the 19-year-old Sicilian from Syracuse Michael Barbaro Paparo (#134 Monster K Factory/CRG-TM Kart), one of the main protagonists of the season with 162 points that still keep the door open for the title. Third in the standings, but a little further away, is the 27-year-old Tuscan Alessio Piccini (#107 Modena Kart/Parolin-TM Kart) with 120 points.

Italian KZ2 Championship after 4 rounds:
1st Cristian Bertuca (ITA) 277 points
2nd Michael Barbaro Paparo (ITA) 162 points
3rd Alessio Piccini (ITA) 120 points
4th Davide Forè (ITA) 108 points
5th Angelo Lombardo (ITA) 107 points

OK-N - Rossi in the lead, chased by Rocchio and Scognamiglio.
The leader of the OK-N standings is Federico Rossi (#436 PRK/Tony Kart-TM Kart-MG) with 302 points and a good margin over his opponents, thanks to the latest victory in Sarno in race2 and the three previous victories in Triscina, La Conca and Val Vibrata race2. The advantage of the 18-year-old driver from Lazio is important, but he discards important points. Gino Rocchio, 15-year-old from Cesenatico, 2023 champion in OKNJ, racing with the Monster K Factory team on CRG-TM Kart, winner in Val Vibrata in race1, could take advantage of it, at 175 points and with only 2 points of difference. Third in contention also Manuel Scognamiglio (#442 Tellone Motorsport/Tony Kart-Iame), 17 years old from Torre del Greco, winner in Sarno in race 1, with 147 points and zero points to spare.

Italian OK-N Championship after 4 rounds:
1st Federico Rossi (ITA) 302 points
2nd Gino Rocchio (ITA) 175 points
3rd Manuel Scognamiglio (ITA) 147 points
4th Francesco Marenghi (ITA) 119 points
5th Bati Ege Yildirim (TUR) 114 points

OK-NJ - Blandino flies to the lead, but the standings are very tight.
Cristian Blandino, 12 years old from Caltanissetta, coming from MINI, is the revelation of OK-N Junior. In Sarno, Blandino with the Kalì-Kart Racing team with TM Kart engine, achieved an en-plein that projected him into the lead with 208 points, making him overtake another promising youngster, Cristian Tonalini, 14 years old from Pavia, who boasts a victory in Val Vibrata. With the second place in Sarno and a retirement, Tonalini (#302 Tona Racing/Tony Kart-TM Kart) occupies second place in the standings with 181 points. The gaps are therefore minimal, just as the arithmetic does not exclude Angelo Bruno Blanco (#340 LA Motorsport/Parolin-TM Kart) from the title with 149 points and Giacomo Giusto (#335 Modena Kart/Parolin-TM Kart) with 140. The undertaking is more difficult for Pietro Bagutti (#306 Gamoto/Tony Kart-TM Kart) and Sebastian Eskandari-Marandi (#348 Ward Racing/Tony Kart-Vortex), both with 106 points.

Italian OK-NJ Championship after 4 rounds:
1st Cristian Blandino (ITA) 208 points
2nd Cristian Tonalini (ITA) 181 points
3rd Angelo Bruno Blanco (ITA) 149 points
4th Giacomo Giusto (ITA) 140 points
5th Pietro Bagutti (ITA) 106 points
5th Sebastian Eskandari-Marandi (AUS) 106 points

MINI GR.3 U10 - Perico leader with almost 100 points of advantage.
In the MINI Gr.3 Under 10, the very young Niccolò Perico, 9 years old from Seriate (Bergamo), racing with Energy Corse on Energy-TM Kart, has almost 100 points of advantage with 267 points and three victories: Triscina race 1, La Conca race 2, Sarno race 1. He is followed by Lorenzo di Pietrantonio, 9 years old from Rome, representing BabyRace on Parolin-Iame with 169 points, as well as the American Lucas Bryan Palacio with Kidix on KR-Iame with a victory in Triscina in race 2 with 152 points, the Georgian Leon Chelidze with Team Driver on KR-Iame with a victory in La Conca in race 1 with 150 points.

Italian MINI Gr.3 U10 Championship after 4 rounds:
1st Niccolò Perico (ITA) 267 points
2nd Lorenzo Di Pietrantonio (ITA) 169 points
3rd Lucas Bryan Palacio (USA) 152 points
4th Leon Chelidze (GEO) 150 points
5th Mark Martin Loomets (EST) 126 points

MINI GR.3 - Frasnelli ahead of his teammate Truchot.
In the most “international” of categories, the MINI Gr.3, Julian Frasnelli, 11 years old from Bolzano, with the BabyRace team on Parolin-Iame is the new leader of the standings after the last race in Sarno where he won race 1 and overtook his teammate, the American Alessandro Teddy Truchot, 11 years old, who boasts two victories, in Triscina race 1 and Val Vibrata race 1. Frasnelli now has 207 points, Truchot 187. The Spanish Daniel Miron Lorente, 9 years old, with the Team Driver on KR-Iame with 168 points and winner of the last race in Sarno in Race 2, could enter the fight at the top. Also among the best is Gioele Girardello with Parolin Motorsport on Parolin-TM Kart, fourth with 142 points, and the other BabyRace driver, the Swiss Albert Tamm.

Italian MINI Gr.3 Championship after 4 rounds:
1st Julian Frasnelli (ITA) 207 points
2nd Alessandro Teddy Truchot (USA) 187 points
3rd Daniel Miron Lorente (ESP) 168 points
4th Gioele Girardello (ITA) 142 points
5th Albert Tamm (CHE) 102 points


The complete rankings:

The calendar of the 2024 Italian ACI Karting Championship.
21/04/24 - TRISCINA - Mini Gr.3 Under, Mini Gr. 3, OKNJ, OKN, KZ2.
19/05/24 - LA CONCA - Mini Gr.3 Under, Mini Gr. 3, OKNJ, OKN, KZ2.
23/06/24 - VAL VIBRATA - Mini Gr.3 Under, Mini Gr. 3, OKNJ, OKN, KZ2.
21/07/24 - SARNO - Mini Gr.3 Under, Mini Gr. 3, OKNJ, OKN, KZ2.
08/09/24 - FRANCIACORTA - KZN Under, KZN Over.
22/09/24 - LONATO - Mini Gr.3 Under, Mini Gr. 3, OKNJ, OKN, KZ2, 100/125 Legend.

In the photo: the KZ2 drivers at the race 1 presentation in Sarno. Ph. PrintH24

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