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The 2024 ACI Sport Representatives for Karting
18 January 2024

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The Karting Representatives for 2024 for each zone of the national territory with whom to interact for any topic concerning karting have been made official.

The ACI Sport Representatives for Karting 2024 have been defined, and all drivers and operators in the zone/region (teams, engine tuners, organisers or any other licenced person) can contact them for any topic concerning karting in that territory, where the Zone Representative performs a connecting function between the base and ACI Sport.

The Karting Representative is a person with proven experience in the world of karting to whom the Italian Federation (ACI Sport) has assigned the task of monitoring the Karting activity in the territory (Zone or Region) assigned to him. Among its tasks, it operates in compliance with the ACI Sport Regulations in force (RSN and RDSK), assists ACI Sport in the dissemination of the rules that guarantee the conduct and control of the events, reports to ACI Sport - through the Karting Secretariat - on every sporting and technical issue that is relevant to events taking place in its territory (zone/region).

We remind you that ACI Sport is always available for direct dialogue with Licenced people and for this purpose the email [email protected] is available.

These are the 2024 Karting Representatives:

Zone 1 - Valle D'Aosta, Liguria, Piedmont, Lombardy
CAMILLA ROMANO - Email: [email protected]                       

Zone 2 - Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto           
TBA – managed on an interim basis by the ACI Sport Karting Secretariat

Zone 3 - Emilia Romagna, Tuscany
ANZIO LANDI - Email: [email protected]
Zona 3 - Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo
MASSIMO GOLFETTI - Email: [email protected]   

Zone 4 - Lazio, Molise
ROBERTO SARDELLI - Email: [email protected]     

Zone 5- Campania     
LUIGI SCARANO - Email: [email protected] 

Zone 6 - Basilicata, Calabria
MARIO PETRAGLIA - Email: [email protected] 

Zone 7- Puglia
PEPPINO DE CARLO - Email: [email protected] 

Zone 8 - Sicily
DANIELE SETTIMO - Email: [email protected] 

Zone 9 - Sardinia     
ANTONIO DETTORI - Email: [email protected]   

 Press Release © ACI Sport 

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