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Ralf Schumacher launches RS Kart because “Karting will never be boring”
05 September 2018

Kerpen: an historical track for the Schumacher family. The occasion is an exceptional one for the whole karting world: after several years as manager and owner of a team, Ralf Schumacher has decided to take another step by creating a range of his own products.
In order to do so, he has abandoned the history of collaboration with OTK by establishing a partnership with IPK, the brand that produces the Praga Kart, Formula K and OK1 chassis.
I was looking for a manufacturer flexible enough to allow me to make a product of my own - explained Schumacher. That's why I chose IPK”.

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The engines, however, will still be Vortex engines: “They have always been great engines, so ... why change?”.
However, as for the colour, red, this is a personal choice: “Red, because I always thought that this is the colour that represents racing, apart from Ferrari. Karts have a bit of a vintage look, but they are very recognisable on the track”.
With respect to the range of chassis, RS will cover all categories: Mini, OKJ, OK and KZ, although for the latter part of the season the racing team will not yet have drivers in the gearbox class.

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Moving on to talk more generally about the world of karting, Ralf Schumacher showed how deeply rooted his passion for this sport is, which he has been involved in since he was a child and never abandoned even in the years in which he was a professional F1 driver. "I like karting – he says simply. Also because it is a sport that is never boring: anything can happen at each bend".
But more than that, the motivation that drives Ralf to directly engage and spend all his time and energy on the track is the opportunity to develop younger drivers. To see them get excited and improve day-by-day. Without necessarily needing to get into Formula 1. That is, summing up the concept in Ralf Schumacher’s effective manner: "Take it easy, and love what you do".


Daniel Sliva, CEO of IPKarting, was also in Kerpen together with Ralf Schumacher. He was also very happy about the agreement reached with Schumacher and enthusiastic about the beginning of this new professional adventure.


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