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TKART magazine Editorial | Tonio Liuzzi: crazy about karting
Exclusive Content


10 April 2020

Vitantonio Liuzzi is now a restaurateur. The Penelope a mare restaurant, managed together with his wife, in Pescara, is now an institution, but for some time this adventure doubled with the Penelope at home restaurant, opened in Milan. However, no matter how excellent and successful his restaurants are, Liuzzi's name is still and forever linked to motorsport.

This, on the other hand, was the first great love of the Italian driver, which develped almost unexpectedly as a boy and was enhanced over many seasons racing in karts, culminating with his victory in the 2001 World Championship in Formula Super A. From there, his path continued until he reached Formula 1, where Liuzzi raced in 80 Grand Prix between 2005 and 2011.


A wonderful adventure that began as a love at first sight event: "I started for fun: a classmate of mine had a go-kart and invited me to drive it for a few laps. I fell in love immediately and without reservations, "I was driving" inside my home as well, accelerating at the bottom of the corridors. I often slept with my helmet next to the bed and when I won the Italian 60cc, in my second year, I kept the engine on the bedside table the night before the race.
Then, at 14 years of age, I became an official CRG driver: when I was young, the team I started with used their own material. I always felt good this way and so I always raced, and won, with CRG".

Who do you think you have to thank for your career?
Without doubt my father (Giuseppe, editor's note), who really helped me. Not so much from a financial point of view as from a moral and physical one. He really made an effort: he worked all week as a merchant, from Monday to Friday throughout Italy. But wherever he was, Milan, Bologna, Turin ... he left, came to pick me up and we would go and race in Parma, Lonato ... wherever there was a race.
In addition to my Dad, I have to thank CRG, Mr. Tinini (owner of CRG and Tinini Group, editor's note) and all the staff, who always supported me in everything since I was 14 years old. I was one of the youngest official kart drivers, with them, and then continued our relationship until the 2001 world championship.

An Italian driver born in 1980, he started in karting in 1991 and two years later he won the Italian championship. In 2001 he became world champion in Formula Super A

Liuzzi in a kart on the occasion of a test in Lonato when he was a Toro Rosso F1 driver
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