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Thanks to our previous article “The Expert Advices - The basic concepts regarding kart tyre temperatures and pyrometers” did you understand that the temperature of the tyres is an indicator that you absolutely do not want to and cannot neglect? Very well, now the time has come to go into more detail, again with the precious help of Pascal Cardinale (owner of Prisma Electronics), in regard to some issues related to the practical use of pyrometers. From the choice of detection technology that best suits your needs, to the practical methodology of collecting information on temperatures up to the collection and interpretation of the data in your possession, we discover what are the tricks you absolutely need to know are to keep this important parameter under control.
The data on the right operating range of a tyre refers to all tyres, so in theory there should be no differences between the rear and front. having said this, it is useful to clarify that the rear tyres are the most subjected to stress, more in shifter karts, precisely because they give traction and it is easier for them to reach a temperature quickly. It is therefore useful to know that there is usually a difference (∆) between rear and front tyre temperatures of about 10°C. To have more balanced tyre temperatures between the front and rear axles, different cold pressures can be set between front and rear axle. If the rear tyres are at the correct temperature and the front ones do not reach the right temperature, you can increase the cold pressure of the tyres at the front compared to those behind, so as to help make them work in such a way that you can bring them to the correct operating temperature. This disparity that can occur between front and rear axle, can also happen between the right and left side, when a circuit has a greater number of curves to the right rather than to the left.