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TKART magazine First Analysis | UniGo One, the new super thin dashboard by Unipro
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UniGo One, the new super thin dashboard by Unipro

Jacopo Colombo
12 August 2022 • 10 min. read
With over 30 years of experience in the world of kart lap timers, the Danish company launches a new data acquisition system on the market, suitable for all drivers, whether amateurs or professionals

UniGo One has a clean and minimal design: made entirely of ABS plastic, the instrument has a minimum thickness of 18 mm (truly the lowest value on the market, even if it reaches 31 mm with the battery, in any case very close to the 29 mm of the AiM MyChron5S). It is made, like the other main products on the market, with a body that integrates a display, control keys for the various menus as well as, on the rear side, a screw for fastening to the steering wheel and cable connection sockets.
The screen is an FSTN LCD (therefore capable of giving a sharp contrast, thanks also to its 16 shades of grey) of the transflective and scratch-resistant type, made of polycarbonate, larger and with a better resolution than the previous Unipro Laptimer 6003 and 7003 models. Furthermore, it has a white backlight, which adjusts itself thanks to a sensor positioned inside the dashboard, which allows excellent visibility even in conditions of poor ambient light. Above the display you will find [1] seven LEDs: the five most central [2] (two green, one yellow and two red) can be customised to be used as a warning signal (either fixed or flashing) or as RPM indicators, so you can understand when to change gear in the case of kart shifters. The two outermost lights [3] are instead one red and one green and are used to indicate improvements or worsening of the lap time. Claus Mortensen, of Unipro, emphasises that RGB lights are not used since they are "not very visible in conditions of high brightness of the surrounding environment".
On the sides of the display you will find [4] four buttons (instead of the 6 in total on the old Unipro models), integrated into the dashboard structure, which allow you to move between the available pages and menus. In "Run Mode" (i.e. the screen visible while driving, which can be selected directly from the menu and reachable through the specific keys), you can choose one of the three pre-set screens (in fact, it is not possible to create customised ones, which is possible, however, with devices of other brands): the first allows you to view lap time, number of laps performed, temperatures detected by the water and exhaust sensors, your best lap and RPM values; the second screen is mainly dedicated to shifter karts and has an RPM bar in the upper portion of the screen, under which also in this case is the lap time, your best lap, the number of laps completed, a temperature value and the speed detected by the GPS. In addition, in this screen, in the lower part, it is possible to view the maximum values of the latter data, with reference to the last lap. The last screen is the most "flexible" one because it allows you to see, on the display, your best time and the lap in which it was performed, the laptime, how many laps completed during the session, one of the temperatures and the GPS speed. As with the previous option, also in this case in the lower part of the screen you can see the maximum values for the last lap. Although the screens are basically fixed, it is still possible to choose which data to see in the various parts of the display, selecting the preferred ones from the available values.

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