Tyres are typically fitted on rims by hand and, once in place, are made to “pop” using a compressor. The process allows the tyre to expand and properly adhere the edge of the two shoulders (inner and outer) to the profile of the rim, thereby creating, among other things, a seal that does not allow air to leak out. Latest generation kart rims have so-called “screws”, i.e. 3 screws per rim, positioned close to the outer edge, that ensure greater safety by avoiding tyre unbeading, that can occur especially when using very low inflation pressures. Care must be taken to sufficiently loosen the screws, so that the tips are inside the threaded seats, because if that is not the case, during the tyre removal process using a tyre changer, or when you “pop” the tyres, the screws themselves can damage the edge of the outer shoulder, thereby compromising the seal.