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TKART magazine Must Have | Kart seat: 4 accessories for installation and that help to maintain the correct driving position
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11 February 2025 • 4 min. read

The kart seat is a component that, beyond the mere function for which it was created, has an impact on the weight balance and allows to offer the driver the maximum driving feeling (to learn more, read “Tech Talk | The seat”). There are accessories dedicated to this element that simplify its installation and enhance the driving experience. We offer four of them: products designed to ensure that the correct driving position is maintained, protect the suit from unwanted damage, and precisely adjust the brackets during installation without risking damage. Finally, the last proposal is an innovative solution, launched on the market in 2025, that optimizes the structural rigidity of the seat and further improves the driving feel. Want to know how? Read on to find out!

N.B. Do you think there are other products that can be added to this selection? Don't hesitate to share them with other TKART users in the "Contributions" section at the end of the article. The community will be grateful to you!


NEK anti-slip support

During track activity, it can happen that, as laps go by or during particularly hard braking with shifter karts, the driver tends to slide forward, compromising the ideal driving position. This can affect comfort, control of the kart itself, and, albeit marginally, the  kart weight distribution. In the past, craft solutions such as attaching layers of foam rubber to the seat with tape were used to settle this problem. The NEK-branded product we propose, however, aims to settle this problem without relying on DIY. Made with a steel core coated with high-grip rubber, this accessory increases friction between the suit and the seat. Weighing 95 grams, including the three mounting screws, the NEK mount installs about 4 cm from the front edge of the seat, with the outer screws facing the tank. It is available in five colors: black, orange, green, red and blue.

Editor's Note
According to reports from NEK - from whom we asked for clarification on the influence that the installation of this anti-slip support might have on seat rigidity and, consequently, on load transfers - the component would not compromise or change seat rigidity in any way. This claim could be motivated by two factors: the internal structure of the support, which is relatively “unloaded,” and its mounting position, which minimally affects the torsional capabilities of the seat.

Indicative price

About 30 euro

To buy:
Photo credit NEK

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