We are going tell you exactly how things went, without embellishing. We decide to leave Italy and head to Florida to try the thrill of taking a KZ for a run on an oval. Of all the ovals to choose from - and there are plenty in the USA - we go for one of the best: Daytona. Too bad that when we get to the US, we find out there is just no way we’re setting foot in Daytona: “C’mon, just one lap... ok?” - I plead in my “fluent” English with the guy acting as our middle-man with the venue.
His reply doesn’t leave much room for interpretation: “No” - which means the same thing just about anywhere in the world and in our case means that we went all the way across the ocean for basically nothing.
We pay visit to OTK USA, the American headquarters of OTK (the manufacturer behind brands like Tony Kart, Kosmic, FA Kart...). We are greeted by Andre Martins (the operative manager). Andre is a Brazilian who doesn’t talk or laugh much, who communicates his emotions with the same intensity as a blender, the kind of guy (so you get the idea) whose reaction during an earthquake would probably be: “there’s something shaking”.