This would be enough for it not to pass the approvals but, in any case, it was not a kart destined for public use, and tearing up the rule book was exclusively limited to those who were at Lonato at that moment. There were no front brakes either, as was the norm until 2005 and as happened again in 2016 with OK engines. However, in 2007 it was a precise choice, dictated by the fact that front brakes weigh too much and a vehicle needs to be as light as possible. Instead, the Racer EVR KF, with 50 mm axles and radiator, were all “up to date” changes.
However, it was the engine that was the biggest surprise, with completely new aspects (at that time): the 125 cc engine was that of the KF (subsequently re-named the OK) but many solutions were based on the previous ICA engines. Roberto Robazzi, the Tony Kart CEO explained: “The heating unit, which is the upper part of the Vortex engine, is that of the KF, including the discharge valve”, an accessory not seen on kart engines before the arrival of KF engines (and OK engines still have it, although it is now a single type that everyone uses), which had numerous advantages in the adjustment of the exhaust flow so that the kart would respond to the driver’s accelerations, even at low revs. The lower part of the engine was instead based on ICA engines. There was no clutch, and the kart needed to be pushed to start it up, because the wheels acted as the starter motor. Thus, there was no electrical starter or, of course, a battery to power the starter motor. There was no countershaft to prevent vibrations either. “The carburetor was of the butterfly type and it was 30 mm long – continued Robazzi.