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Hot round in Castelletto successfully in the books
08 August 2024

A lot of show before the summer break
142 drivers animated a hot weekend for the show on the track and for the summer temperatures that accompanied the penultimate seasonal event, the second round on the “7 Laghi Kart” track, a weekend that saw an increase in the number of drivers of over 19% compared to the opening race last February.

At the end of hard-fought, uncertain and very heated races, the winners were: Massimiliano Pezzucchi (TM Kart Challenge R2), Kevin Cancelli (TM Kart Challenge R1), Marco Maestranzi (BMB Challenge), Alessio Guazzaroni (Easykart 125), Rudolf Patai (Easykart 125 Senior), Lorenzo Pignanelli (Easykart 100), Edoardo Galimberti (Easykart 60) and Edoardo Traina (Easykart 60 Under 10).

TM Kart Challenge: Massimiliano Pezzucchi's first win in R2, Kevin Cancelli's first in R1

After driving in R1 in the first round in Jesolo, Pezzucchi celebrated his move to R2 with a stunning en-plein: pole position in qualifying, victory in the Sprint Race and victory in the Final with more than two seconds of gap over everyone else. In second place Andrea Pastorino, on his second podium of the season after the victory in Cremona, on the third step of the podium Andrea Ceresoli, fastest lap by Lorenzo Bellandi.

In R1, Kevin Cancelli's first win after taking home the second position on his debut in Cremona. Behind him, Leonardo Giacomelli and Pietro Cino, respectively second and third. Cancelli also signed the victory in the Sprint Race, while the pole position was claimed by Mattia Tassisto.

BMB Challenge: Second seasonal success for Marco Maestranzi

Third consecutive podium and second victory of the season for Marco Maestranzi. A very balanced Final that was played on the edge of hundredths until the very last kilometres of the race: under the chequered flag, Maestranzi crossed the line in front of Gabriel Moretto, second for 0”629, and Andrea Calabrese, third for 1”052. The fastest lap was set by Maestranzi, also author of the P1 in the Sprint Race, while Giuseppe Gaglianò claimed pole position in Qualifying.

Easykart 125: Alessio Guazzaroni returns to the top step of the podium, Rudolf Patai wins in Senior

Alessio Guazzaroni is back on the top step of the podium, with his first win on the Pavia track: an incredible seasonal record for Alessio, always on the podium! Second place for Carlo Alberto Bocca, author of the fastest lap of the race, third for Riccardo Pollastri at the end of six-place comeback. Guazzaroni also took home the P1 in Sprint Race, while Andrea Cappelletti was the author of the pole position.

In Senior, the cup took the road to Hungary thanks to the P1 in the category of Rudolf Patai by just seven tenths on another Hungarian driver, Marcz Ferenc, third step of the podium for Giuseppe Garzelli. P1 for Giuseppe Garzelli in Sprint Race, pole position for Marco Sertore.

Easykart 100: second victory of the season for Lorenzo Pignanelli

A crushing victory for Lorenzo Pignanelli, after the success achieved in the opening round, right on the “7 Laghi Kart” track: Lorenzo, in fact, crossed the finish line with over 3”5 on the rest of the group and have led the whole race! A “double” victory after the first position achieved also in the Sprint Race.

Second step of the podium and fastest lap for Andrii Kruglyk at the end of a five-position comeback and third for Vilmos Willisits. The podium saw the fourth place of Sebastian Micker and the fifth of Lorenzo Cheli.

Easykart 60: Edoardo Galimberti returns to the top step of the podium, Edoardo Traina P1 in Under 10.

The power of Edoardo: Galimberti first in the overall standings, Traina in the category reserved for drivers under ten years.

A very tight Final from the first to the last lap, with the first three drivers in the space of 0”928! For Galimberti this is the second victory of the year and he did it at the end of a perfect weekend with pole position, P1 in the Sprint Race and, indeed, P1 in the Final. Second step of the podium in the Final for Riccardo Cassani, third for Edoardo Traina. The podium continues with David Kapitany, fourth and author of the fastest lap, and Francesco De Luise in fifth place.

In U10, Edoardo Traina took everything with pole position and victory in both the Sprint Race and the Final, second place for Francesco De Luise, third for Simone Seveso, “driver of the Final” with 17 positions recovered!

Easykart 60 Academy: 13 drivers on track also in Castelletto!

The “pilotini” of the 60 Academy also took to the track in Castelletto with the now classic format of the category with the “race phases”, the theoretical meeting held by the Instructor Sabino De Castro and the awards ceremony that saw all the drivers on the top step of the podium.

The Easykart paddock is now going on holidays for the summer break… before the last two races in Franciacorta: on September 15th the last crucial round of the Easykart Trophy as we’ll find out the champions of the national trophy and on October 14-16th the International Final, our world championship.

We inform you that the Birel ART offices will be closed from August 1st to 25th.

Happy holidays to everyone… see you soon at the racetrack.

Stay racing, stay in relax… and think Easy!

 Press Release © Easykart 

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