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The unacceptable passing of Elia Epifanio
Mattia Livraghi
13 April 2023

[translated with Google]

Every day, in the world, there are countless tragedies that occur. It is also true, however, that when these are somehow distant from us, probably for self-protection, we tend not to get involved and move on. However, when a tragedy is close to us and even just touches us, we can't ignore it. And the one that has Elia Epifanio as a victim cannot fail to concern us. Elia passed away at the age of just 14, due to a sudden illness, on Friday, March 31. Elia is a kart driver, one of those names that - if you are passionate about karting and practice this sport in Italy and in Europe - you know because you read it in the rankings of national races. Exactly seven days before his death, the writer had the opportunity to put a face to that name, because he saw him on the track in Castelletto di Branduzzo, busy training in view of the first round of the Swiss championship scheduled on the 7 Laghi Kart circuit for the weekend of April 1-2. Protagonist in his national series since his debut in 2019, the youngster from Würenlos is on the eve of his second season in the OK Junior category. On a calm weekday, the 14-year-old driver also devoted himself to learning how to start his kart (without an electric starter) by himself, pushing it a few meters before jumping on it and setting off. When he fails, it happens that the writer gives him a hand. And observing him, he seems to be one of those kart drivers that we like. Passionate and ambitious. Simple and smiling. Pure and sweet dreamer, author of some appearances on the international karting stage and more and more a main actor on the national scene.

For all this, Elia's passing cannot leave us indifferent. This is why we find ourselves here writing these words days after the day Elia is no longer with us. Certainly not out of the desire to break news, but out of the need to bring out a bit of what we've been feeling and trying to process for days now, because maybe we're not the only ones and by writing we also give voice to those who, for a thousand reasons, do not know and do not want to write or speak. The passing of a little boy due to a bastard disease is something intolerable, something that doesn't make sense. You can only try to move forward.
As happened on Sunday, April 2: at the opening race of the 2023 season, Elia's kart number 444 was on the starting straight of the 7 Laghi circuit and with it all those drivers who raced in the name of their friend-opponent.
And the thought immediately goes straight to the family. To a mom and dad who will never find reason and peace for the passing of their Elia. The condolences and the strong hug of the whole TKART editorial staff as well as, we are sure, of the entire karting community go out to them.

© Photo: Elia Epifanio’s Instagram Profile

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