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TKART magazine Expert Advice | Easykart: the 9 basic checks to be carried out on engines, periodically or before buying a used one
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Giacomo Mantovani
04 November 2022 • 12 min. read
Widespread in Italy, Easykart has taken root in over 10 countries around the world, sometimes even under other names such as "Daniel Ricciardo Series", in England, and "Euro Trophy", in Switzerland-Austria-Germany.
The table specifies which are the classes and their engines in accordance the Easykart Italia regulations, similar to what the guidelines for the class dictate. In regard to the chassis, only Birel ART brand chassis can be used for all classes except the BMB HAT, for which a chassis from any manufacturer may be used, as long as it has FIA approval (even expired).
The table specifies which are the classes and their engines in accordance the Easykart Italia regulations, similar to what the guidelines for the class dictate. In regard to the chassis, only Birel ART brand chassis can be used for all classes except the BMB HAT, for which a chassis from any manufacturer may be used, as long as it has FIA approval (even expired).
The table specifies which are the classes and their engines in accordance the Easykart Italia regulations, similar to what the guidelines for the class dictate. In regard to the chassis, only Birel ART brand chassis can be used for all classes except the BMB HAT, for which a chassis from any manufacturer may be used, as long as it has FIA approval (even expired).

The Easykart single-brand championship, conceived and promoted by Birel ART since the early 2000s, has always had the aim of bringing many fans, even new ones, to the world of karting and allowing amateurs to practice this sport at low cost.
It is divided into 7 classes: the Easykart 60 Academy, the Easykart 60, the Easykart 100 and the Easykart 125 that use Birel ART chassis and BMB brand engines, specifically the EKL/EKL Entry Level, EKJ and EKA models, all with electric starters and always produced by Birel ART. The situation is similar for the Junior Shifter 80 class, which alongside the single-brand chassis by Briel ART is accompanied by a liquid-cooled gear engine made by Motori Seven, the L8 JR 80 cc model, dedicated to the youngest (12-15 years) who already wish to drive a shifter kart.
Finally, we have the EasyTraining programme (which allows access only to non-competitive events), dedicated to children aged 6 to 10, which is based on the single-brand Birel ART chassis and the 58 cc engine of the Blue Bird brand.
Alongside these solutions, this time with the possibility of using a chassis of your own choice (therefore not necessarily a Birel ART imposed by the regulations), there is the BMB Challenge class, which uses BMB HAT engines.
Considering that the Easykart philosophy is based on cost containment and a simplified management of the chassis and engine by enthusiasts, we have developped a mini series of 3 articles from the "expert advice" section with the aim of accompanying you in all activities concerning the engines of the Easykart world. Let's start with the "basic" checks, which can also be carried out by a beginner, to be performed periodically or to evaluate a used engine before buying one.

To perform the checking activities described in this article and to restore the worn or damaged components mentioned, refer to the article "Must have - Tools and spare parts for a basic check-up of Easykart engines".

The Easykart cylinder liners are made of cast iron, are inserted by interference and then locked to the aluminium body using a plug. The typical oblique groove created by the lapping machine retains a thin layer of oil over the entire wall.

1 Can I know the "real life" of an Easykart engine? And how?

Of course, the activity necessary to check the "life" of an engine (or, in other words, to understand how close it is "to the end") consists in measuring the bore size. In fact, it is not necessary to pause only in considering the size of the piston used because the coupling with the cylinder may not be the correct one. Specifically, there are starting measures, from a new engine, and maximum measures dictated by the regulation fiche, to be complied with in case you wish to compete in the Easykart championship. For the cylinders of the BMB EKL and EKL Entry Level engines, those with the intake on the third port (better identified as the piston port), the first measurement is 42.52 mm bore and the maximum is 42.68 mm. For the EKJ it starts from 50.93 mm and reaches a maximum of 51.22 mm. For the EKA and HAT the starting size is 54.10 mm while the maximum is 54.28 mm.
An indicative rule requires that, if there are no breakages or seizures, the piston must be changed periodically (approximately every 4 hours of use) and that after every 3 piston changes the cylinder must be lapped (for further information, "How to - 5 steps to lapping the cylinder of a kart engine"), or a "polishing/grinding" of the cylinder liner which by removing a thin layer of material restores homogeneity to the circumference of the cylinder and creates the lines necessary for correct barrel lubrication. Obviously every time the cylinder is lapped, by enlarging the diameter, even if by very little, we are talking about hundredths of a millimetre, it will be necessary to change the piston using a larger diameter one, in order to maintain the right measurement ratio, indicated by the manufacturer, between the outside diameter of the piston and the inside diameter of the cylinder.

Editor’s note.
In the case of an engine, for example the HAT that you can buy second hand with a bore of 54.20 mm (instead of the original ones, when new, of 54.10 mm), if we consider that each piston, if there are no seizures, lasts for 4 hours of use before having to be changed. Snice after 3 changed pistons the cylinder must be lapped and each lapping enlarges the cylinder diameter by about 2 thousandths, you can carry out 4 more lappings (54.22/54.24/54.26/54.28) before reaching the maximum permissible size. Consequently (if you keep the reference of three pistons between one lapping and the other) you will havea total of 12 piston changes (3 x 54.11/3 x 54.13/3 x 54.15/3 x 54.17 mm), for a purely indicative total of 48 hours of engine use.

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