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TKART magazine How To | How to choose the right tank for the transport of petrol (and mixtures)
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21 October 2022 • 9 min. read
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When you peek into the garage or under a kart driver's tent, there is an accessory which often goes unnoticed, but which is always there: the petrol tank. Of course, it is difficult to identify a tank or a drum of petrol as the decisive element for your performance but knowing about and assimilating some basic information about the rules on the transport of petrol could protect you from many unexpected issues and avoid a few headaches. With this “How to do to”, TKART wants to rush to the rescue of all those kart drivers who, when faced with an online shop or the shelf of a specialised shop, ask themselves: “Which is the right tank for me?”. All that remains is to find out.

N.B. To complete the article, however, as always, we await your opinion and perhaps some information on what regulations are in force in your country of origin are regarding the transport of liquid fuels. In addition, of course, to any information that can enhance this article and be useful to the TKART Community.
The world of gasoline transport containers is divided into plastic or aluminium cans and aluminium drums. Drums are generally chosen by those who need to transport or use larger quantities of petrol.
It is important to underline that gasoline is an extremely dangerous substance because of its flammability and the fumes of the substances it is composed of. Precisely for this reason, there are precise rules in countries that regulate their transport, handling and storage. It would always be good practice, therefore, to consult the legislation in force in your country (or the one in which you intend to go karting) in order not to be fined and, more importantly, to protect yourself from accidents caused by incorrect "management" of this substance. A few examples? Browse the gallery below.

N.B. Following our analysis, we cannot help but ascertain that there are rules of conduct common to all legislation. In particular: use only containers approved for transport (we will discuss this in the next slide); make sure to fasten the cans on the vehicle so that they cannot tip over; do not approach flames and do not smoke near a petrol can.
One of the most extensive regulations globally is ADR (acronym from French: “Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route”). This agreement, signed in Geneva (Switzerland) on 30 September 1957, is based on the recommendations of the United Nations Organisation for the transport of dangerous goods and has been ratified by over 45 countries around the world (including those in the European Union , the United Kingdom and even some African states such as Nigeria and Morocco: the complete list in the caption of the next image). Specifically, point letter (a) of the agreement states that private individuals can freely transport flammable liquids (including gasoline) in refillable containers with a maximum capacity of 60 litres and for a maximum of 240 litres per unit of transport. It should be noted, however, that each country has implemented this agreement within its own legal system with specific rules which, at times, may differ slightly from each other. For example, in Italy the limit is set at 60 litres per vehicle, while in the United Kingdom it remains at 240 litres.
The list of countries that have ratified the ADR: Albania, Finland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Andorra, France, Malta, Slovakia, Austria, Georgia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Azerbaijan, Germany, Morocco, Spain, Belarus, Greece, Netherlands, Sweden , Belgium, Hungary, Nigeria, Switzerland, Bosnia Herzegovina, Iceland, Norway, Tajikistan, Bulgaria, Ireland, Poland, North Macedonia, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Tunisia, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Turkey, Czech Republic, Latvia, Romania , Ukraine, Denmark, Liechtenstein, Russia, United Kingdom, Estonia, Lithuania and San Marino.
In the United States of America, the transport of dangerous goods is regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (commonly identified as DOT) which applies, and periodically updates, the "Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations", the current standard on the subject. However, it is necessary to keep in mind the federal nature of the American Republic, so it is possible that the transportation of fuel by private individuals may be regulated differently from state to state. For example, in New York it is permissable to transport gasoline in aluminium cans with a capacity of 5 gallons (approximately 19 litres) up to a maximum of 4 tanks (approximately 80 litres) per vehicle.
Focusing on the southern hemisphere. Australia, like the United States of America, bases itself on the federal nature of its system, so some rules may differ from state to state. In the case of Australia, the maximum capacity allowed for the cans is 25 litres. In some states, such as Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland, the maximum transportable quantity is 250 litres. New Zealand has a maximum capacity limit for cans that is the same as Australia. Instead, the maximum transportable, without the need for special authorisation, is 50 litres.
In Argentina, according to Resolution SE1102/2004 of the Secretariat for Energy, updated to 31/08/2012, up to 400 litres of petrol can be transported without special certification. The fuel can be transported in unitary containers, metal or non-deformable resistant plastic and material suitable for containing hydrocarbons, with hermetic closure, up to 60 litres of total capacity. Or, in 200 litre drums, which must be suitable for containing hydrocarbons.
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