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TKART magazine How To | Kart setup: basic advice for beginners
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10 March 2020
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If there is a potentially endless and even an overly complicated topic concerning karts, that is undoubtedly the kart setup itself. Although at first glance karts may seem like simple vehicles, in reality go-karts have many adjustments which can alter their behavior and drivability, just as there are many variables that affect the ideal choices to be implemented. Starting from the track characteristics and the type of asphalt used, weather conditions, engine used and the driving style of the kart user. On several occasions, here on TKART, we have given you the thoughts and ideas from the experts to provide advice on many of these variables that go into Kart setups and also explaining on how to analyze telemetry to adjust accordingly. Very often, those who take to the track do not have all the means, or training, to understand entirely what goes into the analysis and act accordingly when making adjustments, or they just simply just want to have fun on the track on a nice day. Quickly assembling the kart maybe not be the best possible setup that is available, but just enough to drive without problems and enjoying themselves. Here are 6 tips on how to choose the best basic setup for all circumstances and conditions for all of these drivers and especially for the beginners.
The first consideration that can raise a concern is the type of track one is driving on, as in dealing with a technical track with many tight corners and short straights it is logically very different than driving on a circuit with faster turns followed by longer straights. These characteristics require the vehicle to have different “necessities” in order to maximize the performance in each specific situation. Slower tracks with sequential turns to be covered mainly at lower speeds will reward a reactive and faster vehicle when changing directions, with excellent traction when exiting turns very quickly. On the contrary a stable vehicle that is set up for higher speeds and less responsive, with the drivers’ inputs when steering on turns and cornering, is more suitable for a faster track.
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