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TKART magazine Once in a lifetime | “I'm an idiot: without training, i raced the E20 electric kart in the European Rotax and died (of fatigue)”
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Yanek Sterzel
01 September 2024 • 21 min. read

A real race. With real drivers. To find out if an electric kart can be a real Racing kart. To know how fast this innovative model by Rotax Racing goes. But, above all, to understand what it feels like to face - at 43 years old and after years of blacking out with driving a kart - a round of the Rotax MAX Challenge Euro Trophy


There are some things that -though very attractive- you should not do: drinking ice water binge; eating 1 kilogram of ice cream all at once; taking part in a real kart racing race without the slightest training... These are all things that, before you do them, are projected to be cool. The problem is that the refreshment of a sip of ice water, the enjoyment of an ice cream binge, or the adrenaline rush of being able to take part in a real kart race (albeit without training), will hopelessly turn into a nightmare with side effects...SURE! Me of the three craps above thought it best to do the third one and today, days after the conclusion of the race, I am here writing, having finally regained the use of all my body muscles that were largely knocked out. Science will explain why - while being aware of the inevitable and fatal consequences - we do certain shit. What I can tell you with certainty is that in my case there is a very specific culprit, who has a name and a surname: Luca De Donno, owner and founder of WSK Promotion, from this year promoter of the Rotax MAX Challenge Euro Trophy series. And I was his accomplice and (at the same time) his victim. For the more absent-minded, BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG, with its Rotax Racing division, is the world's largest manufacturer of kart engines, and Rotax MAX Challenge (also known as RMC) is the series, spread across the globe, based on the use of engines called Rotax MAX. Probably the most famous Rotax MAX Challenge championship - second in prestige only to the annual RMC Grand Finals event - is the Rotax MAX Challenge Euro Trophy (for friends, RMCET). A true European championship of the Rotax categories (Junior, Senior, DD2 and DD2 Master) to which, in some events, are also joined by the Mini and E20 Senior/Master classes, the newly created category for real kart racing... But electric!

The view of the Franciacorta Karting Track paddock is a plastic testimony of how much the RMCET is a truly international championship. Especially since this year, under the promotional push of WSK Promotion, it has gone to spread over 4 events (plus the single race at the beginning of the season, called Winter Cup). Participants come from all over the world and the track events touch a total of 4 nations: Spain, Belgium, Germany and Italy.
The karts and their drivers in the E20 category are all positioned under a single mono tent managed by Rotax Racing. And it is Rotax Racing that brings the vehicles (all the same) to the track and takes care of providing all the necessary infrastructure for charging the batteries. The driver only needs to have an accompanying-mechanic.
A glimpse of the official Rotax Racing tent.
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Yanek Sterzel and Luca De Donno (WSK Promotion) talking about the E20 kart.
There is very little activity under the tent. Sure, you can work on the setup (camber, caster, heights, seat... Not the ratio, though!), but there is virtually no maintenance to be done. In the evening, there is no need to disassemble the engine, check it, overhaul it or put grease on the chain--just charge the batteries and make sure the brake pads are still in good condition. Stop.
Out of curiosity, we followed where the electric cables for charging the kart batteries were going and...
... They all converge on a portable Rotax Racing column, which in turn is connected to...
... A massive generator set.
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The Rotax Racing lorry for transporting karts and all equipment as well as infrastructure.
One of WSK Promotion's traveling facilities, the Business Lounge, also populates the RMCET paddock. It is the latest “piece” in the WSK arsenal, dedicated to those among the companions who want to take advantage of a support point for work and simply for a moment of relaxation.
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The WSK Promotion Business Lounge also features a bar area operated by WSK staff.
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A backstage VLog moment made by TKART staff during the race right inside the WSK Promotion Business Lounge.
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