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TKART magazine Tech Focus | AP06, the new Parolin Racing Kart braking system
Exclusive Content


Max Bernardi
18 June 2018
The braking system is undoubtedly one of the most crucial elements in the performance of a kart. During the 2018-2020 approval session, Parolin Racing Kart decided to renew its AP05 model, keeping all the strong points, but improving its rigidity and, therefore, its braking capacity. Let's find out about the secrets and latest technical features of the new AP06 braking system
As with all Parolin Racing kart accessories, the design of the baking system also started with the technical department, where the drawings of components are developed using 3D drawing software. The first prototyping phase takes place using a 3D printer, which quickly develops a prototype with the dimensions and actual shape of the brake caliper. This allows you not to stop the CNC machines used for its production and, at the same time, check the dimensions and machining. The subsequent phase is the actual production and, after this, testing on a track, which are essential for checking all the new components of the baking system.
3D print of the finished piece
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3D print of the finished piece
The main changes with respect to the previous approval focused on the rear caliper: in the new AP06 system it is no longer made using two half-shells, but is completely made from a monoblock of aluminium, which ensures less bending and, therefore, greater rigidity. All this translates into an increase in braking force. The Parolin technical department redesigned the internal oil channels from scratch, a noteworthy effort which, however, produced remarkable results. Being a monoblock, the pincer is also less complicated for maintenance purposes: obviously, the fastening screws and o-rings between the two half-shells are not there, and moreover the brake bleeding is simpler, since it is only carried out once.
You can clearly see the difference between the new rear caliper AP06 (above), and the old AP05 (below)
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The caliper of the AP06 system has two 31.6 mm diameter pistons which push the pad against the disc
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