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TKART magazine Tech Focus | MK20. The MINI 2020 bodywork by KG
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Max Bernardi
10 June 2020
On the occasion of the CIK-FIA homologation, KG presents the new bodywork for karts for younger drivers, completely redesigned with a generously shaped spoiler in the central part, a rounded front fairing and ambidextrous side fairing
2020 is the year of the first CIK-FIA homologation for the Mini category whose equipment, in the past, was approved only by the National Federation. Since this is an absolute uniqueness, CIK-FIA received the charts of all the kart’s components subject for approval. Not only chassis and engines but also brake systems and fairings. KG, a leading company in the manufacturing of these fundamental safety components presented the MK20 model, the result of a great technological development which has nothing but the envy of that reserved for the upper categories.

The first fairing kit manufactured by KG for the CIK-FIA homologation dedicated to the MINI class is called MK20
If there is a karting category which, over the past year has experienced amazing growth, it is undoubtedly the MINI. The chassis, previously pretty “static” in their evolution, have shown an important acceleration in terms of development and technological solutions in this first international CIK-FIA homologation. Not only new frames, but also brake systems machined from solid blocks of metal and carefully designed in the smallest detail to adapt to the driving style of younger drivers. The fairings, of course, could not be excluded. They were already protagonists of important innovations that led to aerodynamics playing a major part in the leading role, redefining the shapes of spoilers, front fairings and side fairings. The evolution which, until now, was reserved for karts in the upper categories, now involves the vehicles for younger drivers as well, as the new KG MK20 kit well exemplifies this.
With the 2020 homologation, almost all major manufacturers have offered a new chassis dedicated to the Mini class.
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Several manufacturers have chosen to fit the KG MK20 fairings on their karts for example, the Formula K seen in the photos.
To develop the new kit, KG has used all its technological expertise which was achieved, in particular, with the development of the 505 and 506 models which has helped the Italian company in the definition of the aerodynamic shapes of the MK20. In the CAD drawing phase, in which the first design of the components is drafted on a computer, the technicians sought a rounded shape, increasing the size of the front spoiler and front number plate with respect to the previous models. The use of CFD software (a computational fluid dynamics simulation software) made it possible to simulate the impact of the air against the fairings and, in light of the results obtained, the designs were further refined until reaching the end result that was deemed ideal. All this clearly shows how the study of fluid dynamics has been put into use in the first place by KG in designing the MK20 fairings, pursuing the objective of a net aerodynamic improvement in the penetration of the kart and the driver while reducing resistance to the vehicle’s advancement and optimizing the air flow to the engine and the braking system.
The simulations with CFD software show the differences in the impact of the air between the MK20 and MK14 models.
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From the front, it is evident that the MK20 generous silhouette also covers the driver’s feet preventing the airflow from reaching them.
The front spoiler of the new MK20 kit by KG has a pronounced silhouette in the front which lowers it on the sides. Compared to the MK14 (a very successful model in recent years, already CSAI approved and subject to the CIK-FIA homologation in 2020) the generous central shape allows the reduction and impact of air against the driver’s feet and deflect the airflow away from the body, thus improving the  aerodynamics of the kart as highlighted by the tests implemented with the Computational Fluid Dynamics software. The lowering of the silhouette on the sides, on the other hand, allows an improved passage of airflow, a particularly important factor on the right side of the kart where proper ventilation optimizes the cooling of the engine. It must be remembered that the engine of MINI karts is air-cooled, consequently maintaining a low operating temperature improves performance overall. On the left side, the incoming air helps to dissipate the brake system temperature, another positive factor to ensure efficient braking even after many laps on the track. Aerodynamics is not the only aspect to be taken into consideration. Safety is also very crucial, not only because the front spoiler must also pass the strict impact tests in the homologation phase. In fact, the important front shape is of great help in protecting the driver’s lower limbs much more against damaging impacts.
The front spoiler of the MK20 kit reduces the air impact on the front wheels and directs it in a much better way towards the engine, this increases the cooling of the engine.
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The CIK-FIA regulation allows the combined use of the various fairings as long as they are approved first. For example, it is possible to use the new MK20 front with the MK14 side fairings or vice versa.
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