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Regulation changes for the MINI Gr.3 Under 10 and MINI Gr.3 in the Italian ACI Karting Championship
14 June 2024

[translated with Google]

The proposal of the Karting Commission which aims to intensify the technical checks service for the two Gr.3 MINIs within the Italian ACI Karting Championship has been approved by the Sports Council.

ACI SPORT SPA has purchased 20 clutches (clutch block) which have been marked ACI Sport, to proceed, as is already done for ignitions and always limited to the two categories MINI Gr3 Under 10 and MINI Gr.3, with replacement by draw under Parc Fermé regime. This new procedure was proposed by the Karting Commission and shared with the 4 manufacturers that produce MINI Gr.3 engines.

The new legislation that came into force and provided for by Art. 6.2 of the Regulations of the Italian ACI Karting Championship establishes exclusion from the event for tampering with the clutch shoe.

Art. 6.3 has also undergone a change of the same Regulation which now provides for exclusion in the event of tampering with or loss of the ignition seals upon entry into the parc fermé.

Below is the full text of the two articles of the Regulations of the 2024 Italian ACI Karting Championship, with the changes indicated in bold:

Art 6.2 CLUTCH.
For the MINI Gr.3 Under 10 and MINI Gr.3 classes the technical control of the clutch and engine rpm is carried out with the system provided by ACI Sport.
It is the responsibility of the Competitor and the Driver for any type of tampering and/or damage to the device during the event.
The Technical Stewards pursuant to art.8.1 RDSK 2024 may proceed, before the Qualifying, Heats or Races, to replace the clutch shoe with another supplied and marked by ACI Sport.
The replacement operation can be carried out by the Technical Stewards, following authorization by the Stewards, on the kart of one or more selected drivers. The clutch will be subjected to parc fermé regime and, after its use, it will be returned to the Technical Stewards who will check it again for any damage or tampering.
Competitors who have tampered with the clutch assigned to them (or who refuse to have it replaced) will be excluded from the event and the Stewards will evaluate the opportunity to transmit the documents to the Federal Prosecutor's Office to evaluate a possible referral.

For the MINI Gr.3 Under 10 and MINI Gr.3 classes, pursuant to art. 8.1 of the RDSK 2024, the Technical Stewards may proceed, before the Qualifying, Heats or Races, to replace the ignition (coil) with another supplied by ACI Sport and sealed by the Technical Stewards.
The replacement operation can be carried out by the Technical Stewards, following authorization by the Stewards, on the kart of one or more selected drivers.
The seal (sealing) must remain intact for the entire duration of the event and all seals will be checked upon entry and exit from the parc fermé.
Competitors who at the end of the session carried out (Qualifying, Heat or Race) return to parc fermé without a seal affixed or with a damaged seal must immediately notify the Technical Stewards, who, having consulted the Stewards, will affix a new seal.
Competitors who have tampered with or lost the seals when entering parc fermé will be excluded from the event and the Stewards will evaluate the opportunity to transmit the documents to the Federal Prosecutor's Office to evaluate a possible referral.

Updated 2024 Regulations:

 Press Release © ACI Sport 

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