Is kart maintenance a matter for experienced mechanics? Absolutely not! Of course, overhauling a petrol pump, replacing an axle or checking the correct functioning of a carburettor are not…
... Simple operations that are performed every day, but this does not mean that, with the correct indications, every kart enthusiast can try to perform them in first person.
To do it correctly ... there is dr. TKART, or the doctor who treats the ailments of karting. The technical expert, completely dedicated to karting, who in the articles of this channel explains step by step all the operations that can be performed on a kart at the level of the engine, chassis, geometries and accessories.
For example, do you have doubts about cleaning the suction filter? Dr TKART accompanies you, with texts, videos, interactivity and detailed photos, in all the steps that are needed to develop it. Do you want to carry out maintenance on the drain valve? Fit front brakes? Adjust the front height or convergence? Have technical suggestions for kart setup? Deepen the carburetion problems? Understand what happens when the kart doesn't start? Here you will find all the answers you need to complete these and many other operations essential for the maintenance and optimization of the performance of the KZ gearbox kart, as well as for new competition karts or single-speed karts. In this way, moreover, you can also get an idea of the commitment that requires the care of a competition kart and how much it costs to maintain a go-kart.